Familiarize yourself with error messages


Familiarize yourself with errors that your tools output. A format I really enjoy are when the errors have the format: <file_name>:<line_number>:<character_number>

The error location printed in the logs was:


Looking at the location we can see the file, line number and character. Location ‘improving-github-on-mobile.md:3:0’.

Hilarious mistake. While writing the post of improving-github-on-mobile.md I didn’t add the closing ”’” on the title, and so the parsing broke. An easy thing to catch with syntax highlighting in the editor. A large part of programming is how do you solve a problem permanently going forward. It’s fun seeing where things break. I haven’t broken the build process in that way before, so got to learn something new.

Familiarize yourself with error messages, and you’ll fail forward faster.

Onwards and upwards.